8 Minor Pet Emergencies and How To Treat Them At Home

How to Treat Most Common Pet Emergencies at Home

Just like humans, dogs can also sometimes engage in minor accidents around the house, backyard or neighborhood. When your dog gets a minor injury, what you don't realize is that there are ways on how to quickly treat it just by using products that you can find around your bathroom or kitchen cabinet.


8 Quick Tips For Treating Minor Dog Injuries and Illnesses 

1. Nail Injury

    A dog may slice up his nails in a variety of ways - anything from a too-close nail trim to running outside over sharp rocks.

    What To Use: Styptic Powder

    Put this in a bowl and dip the bleeding paw of your dog. If you don't have this at home, you can use cornstarch or flour instead. This will stop the bleeding of the injured paw of your dog.


    2. Bee Sting

      Our furry friends love to play outside and chances are they might get stung by a bee. A bee sting usually occurs in the face or in the paws of a dog. Not only is it painful, but it can also trigger some allergic reactions. 

      What To Use: Credit Card and Quercetin

      Don't use tweezers to remove the bee stinger, instead use a credit card from your wallet. Scrape away the stinger and make sure the venom sac goes with it. If your dog has an allergic reaction, give him quercetin. If you don't have quercetin, then use Benadryl instead. Keep in mind that if your dog is experiencing a serious allergic reaction, then it is still best to go directly to your veterinarian as it needs to be treated immediately.


      3. Indiscriminate Eating

        If your dog has ingested something that is toxic, then you may need to induce vomiting. If you suspect that your dog has ingested poison, better call you vet or animal control    right away.     

        What To Use: Hydrogen Peroxide

        Only use the 3% hydrogen peroxide - the kind that you can buy from your local pharmacy. Dosage is one teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight. Your pet will typically vomit in a matter of 15 minutes. If he doesn't vomit within that time, you can give him another dose. If there's still no vomiting, then it's time to call your veterinarian.


        4. Cuts and Scrapes


          Dogs can easily get cuts and scrapes just from walking outside and running around the backyard.

          What To Use: Contact Lens Saline Solution

          As a pet owner,you need to know how to clean and treat the minor cuts and scrapes of your dog. You can clean and remove dirt and debris from your dog's minor wounds using contact lens saline solution. You can also use this to flush dirt, sand or other irritants from your dog's eyes.


          5. Dangerously Low Blood Sugar In A Diabetic Dog

            Dogs who have diabetes mellitus have a possibility to have a hypoglycemia attack that may end up to a diabetic coma.

            What To Use: Honey

            If your dog is experiencing a hypoglycemia attack, you may distinguish this if he starts to quiver or his body starts to shake, immediately grab your honey and rub a little on his gums. Make sure you're using pure honey and not corn syrup as the latter may contain genetically modified allergenic ingredients.


            6. Thunderstorm Phobia


              Many dogs are afraid of thunder and lighting, this storm phobia is also known as Astraphobia. However, it is not just the sound that makes them anxious, it's also because of the static electricity that may give her little electric zaps that are unnerving. It also can cause severe anxiety, if this situation become worse than usual because and can't treat, to stop your worry you can visit a veterinary behaviorist to cure this immediately from having any behavior problem because of the Astraphobia and loud noise that will trigger dog's fear and anxiety.

              What To Use: Steamy Room

              Here's some tips that can calm a scared dog anxiety.Thunderstorm phobia feel more comfortable when placed in a steamy/humid area. You can bring him in your bathroom while running hot water in the shower. Alternatively, you can also rub non-toxic dry sheets on his coat.


              7. Minor Digestive Issues Such As Diarrhea, Constipation And Hairballs

                Most dogs suffer from digestive issues from one time or another that takes a couple of days to disappear.

                What To Use: Canned Pumpkin

                Pumpkin is loaded with soluble fiber that can help ease diarrhea and constipation. Feed your dog at least 1 teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight. Give this one to two times a day, this is the best way to treat dog's digestive issues.


                8. An Injured Pet That Might Bite

                  If your dog is injured or sick, it's important to protect yourself and the other people around him as he might bite someone in response to fear and pain. 

                  What To Use: A Homemade Muzzle

                  Most dog owners don't own a muzzle. So if you feel that it's necessary to use one for you injured pet, then you can make and improvised it by using any strips of cloth such as a pair of tights or a man's necktie.  Just lightly loop over your pet's nose and mouth, then cross it under his chin, and then tie it behind his ears.

                  These are just some of the home remedies that you can use for minor emergencies. However, if you think that your dog is in a much more serious condition, then it is still best to go to your veterinarian.

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